Students majoring in the Computer Information Systems (BSBA) degree at 澳门新濠娱乐开户 gain valuable professional skills and capabilities, enabling them to pursue a wide variety of technology-related careers. The CIS major teaches students how to successfully interface between the technical and management aspects within companies.
通过课程, 项目和实习, students develop the knowledge to serve as the vital bridge between business areas and IT. They will learn to work with networks, databases, websites and integrated systems. 毕业生对方法论有很强的掌握能力, 建立成功的信息系统的工具和技术. 这个认证项目位于 计算机信息系统系 在沃克商学院学习.
就业: 最近的雇主包括:
- 澳门新濠娱乐开户地区医疗保健
- 北卡蓝十字蓝盾公司
- 蓝十字蓝盾公司
- 蓝岭电气
- 波音公司
- 红衣主教的创新
- 思科系统公司
- CITCO基金服务
- Comdyn集团
- 连接matic
- 迪斯尼
- 杜克能源公司
- 伊士曼化学
- 心电图的营销
- 富达投资集团
- Fleetnet美国
- Genband
- 谷歌
- 均富
- Inmar
- 劳氏
- 日本电报电话公司美国
- Orasi软件
- 谢弗系统国际公司
- 声波汽车
- T-Metrics
- Verian
- Versa技术
- 富国银行(Wells Fargo)
- Zynergy技术
研究生院: 有些学生选择留下来完成学业 App State的MBA学位 再过一年.
资讯科技专业人员协会: AppITP allows students interested in Information Systems to get together for professional development and social purposes. AppITP提供相关主题的演讲者, opportunities to meet and interact with professionals in the field (potential job contacts), 以及与志趣相投的人的社交聚会.
贝塔伽玛荣誉协会: Membership in this group is the highest international recognition a student in business can receive in an undergraduate or master’s program at an AACSB accredited school.
Alpha Iota Mu校园分会: An international honor society organized to recognize outstanding academic achievement in the field of information systems. 本组织面向CIS专业3级以上学生开放.4 or greater overall GPA who have taken at least one CIS core course.
CIS faculty have developed 出国留学 opportunities to countries such as Germany, 西班牙, 中国, Japan and Costa Rica to study computer information systems and observe the supply chain of commodities.
All business students fulfill an international requirement, and an increasing number choose to 出国留学 通过各种各样的交流项目. The college maintains partnerships with universities across the globe and continues to expand groundbreaking opportunities in emerging markets.
Requirements for declaring a major with在沃克商学院学习 are detailed 在这里.
- More than 90% of this program’s graduates are employed and/or enrolled in continuing higher education 项目 within six months of graduation.
- App State is one of only five universities in North Carolina authorized to teach the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum, 可以访问思科路由器, 开关和其他设备.
- 学生可以在毕业前参加IT认证考试, 包括网络+, 安全+, CCNA, 和CISSP.
- 国际,留学旅行由澳门赌场导航娱乐的CIS教师提供. Previous classes have 访问ed Germany, 西班牙, 中国, Japan, Costa Rica and others.
- Club competitions have taken students to the AITP National Collegiate Conference.
布恩和 胡桃木
期望起薪在5万- 7万美元之间. 职业选择包括:
- IT项目经理
- 系统管理人员
- 网络管理员
- 网络分析人士
- 安全管理员
- 网站开发人员
- 系统分析 & 设计
- 系统架构师
- 它审计师
- 系统开发人员
- 项目分析
- 系统分析员
- 数据库 & 分析建模
- 数据库管理员
- 商业分析专员
- 创业型技术领导者
Dr. 斯科特Hunsinger